martes, 18 de septiembre de 2012

~Getting ready for a spring saturday night with PurpleMoon, Finesmith Designs and blackLiquid MAKEUPS~

                               Spring is nature's way of saying, '' Let's Party '' ~ Robin Williams ~

Styling Card :

Hair : Vanity Hair Lys
Makeup : blackLiquid MAKEUP gold gloss - blackLiquid MAKEUP olive green glitter shaddow - blackLiquid MAKEUP needle black liner
Jewels : Finesmith Herbal Mist necklase - Finesmith Milkshake Earrings - Finesmih Alfil Ring - Finesmith Yeriak Bracelet
Dress : Julia Balloon Dress in green ( Mesh ) by PurpleMoon Creations
Shoes : N-Core ULTRAPATFORM '' Orange ''

                                                                          ♥ Pily Whitesong ♥

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